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Hi, I’m Jessi Hempel from Fortune, and I’m here today with Phil McKinney from HP. He’s the Chief Technology Officer of the Personal Systems Group. That’s a PC group. Hi, Phil.

Hi, Jessie.

Er, so we’ve spent a little bit of time with your newest notebook series. Your mini, I wonder if you might start by telling us a little bit about what we are seeing in the new version.

Well, I think what we’ll see from HP in the new version is we have done a refresh and upgrade on the hardware, really based on feedback from the early users of the Mini-Notes. And also observing what people are really using the Mini-Notes for. So in the new version, it’s improved battery life, upgraded hard drives. And also because Mini-Notes are very portable device, a lot more personalization in form of colors, designs, artworks, those types of things.

Are there customer groups that you might have expected to step up to use it that maybe haven’t quite cut on yet?

Well, it’s actually…it’s been surprising about how wide-range the customers are, who do adopt it, everything from the enterprise customers. The original Mini-Notes that HP developed. We really were aiming at kids at K-12 education markets. Something smaller that kids then can carry it back and forth to school. And we launched it that way, but the real early adult use for were actually business executives who want to use it as an alternative to the notebooks. So that was kind of, that was kind of a little aha surprise. Er, but then obviously they take rate on the consumer market place, particularly in Europe and then here in the U.S. er, has been, you know, pretty exciting for the product line.

So you guys are also talking a little bit about something called Thin & Light. Can you tell me a little bit about, er, what Thin & Light is about?

Well, starting back with the Voodoo Envy product which, you know, we delivered with the carbon fiber case, you know, thinnest notebook in the world from the standpoint of the overall hi-fi dimension. We really broke new ground on what we can do in that thinness. Challenge being is that’s a $4,000 product. And so we have a lot of demand from the customer base side "could you bring that down into the mainstream?" So what we did is we took some of those learnings about the challenges of how do you do Thin & Light yet deliver full-featured notebook and brought to the market will be referred as a DB 2. So it’s an AMD based processor notebook that is ultra-thin, ultra-light but at a price point of under $700. That really opens it up to the overall market place.

How much does it start at?

It starts at 599, and you can figure it up to however, you know depending on memory, on what you want for screen graphics, it’s all the tech-speeds and figi. You can soup it up however you want. But the objective being is that we have seen this consumer shift from people really want to take their technology with them out of the house and really being able to have it with them. So this is the answering the question of give me a full-featured notebook in a Thin & Light form so that I can take with me.

Thank you for being here, Phil.



1.        Chief Technology Officer              首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer,CTO,又常称为技术长或技术总监)是企业团体里的高阶主管职位之一    

2.        Mini-Note                           惠普迷你笔记本 (Weighing in at just 1.27 kg, with a large 8.9-inch WXGA display, the HP 2133 Mini-Note PC features a durable design with a robust suite of wireless..)

3.        battery life                           电池寿命

4.        portable                             adj.轻便的, 手提(式)的, 便携式的

5.        artworks                              工艺

6.        customer groups                       客户群体

7.        K-12 education markets                 教育市场(小学+初中+高中)

8.        adult use                              成人使用

9.        product line                            生产线/产品线

10.    Thin & Light.                           轻薄

11.    Voodoo Envy                          惠普的一款笔记本

12.    carbon fiber                            n. 碳化纤维,碳素纤维

13.    hi-fi                                  adj. (收音、录音设备等)高保真度的 n. 高保真音响  Hi-Fi是英语High-Fidelity的缩写,直译为"高保真",

14.    break new ground                      开垦处女地, 开辟新天地

15.    mainstream                            主流(main stream 为“干流”)

16.    full-featured                            全功能的

17.    processor                              n.处理机,处理器

18.    ultra-thin                              adj.超薄的,极细的

19.    ultra-light                             adj.超轻型的

20.    price point                            零售价

21.    memory                              内存

22.    screen graphics                       显卡 

23.    soup up                              vi. 加大马力(使有生气)

【注】划线词cut on与adopt为近义词