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The inconvenient truth for the US is that it is a very large company, turning over Rmb603.6bn ($96bn) last year and eclipsing Ericsson as the biggest vendor of telecoms equipment.


It is the third-biggest seller of handsets, and is in a race to lead the development of 5G, the next-generation mobile standard and an essential technology for the era of connected devices. Control over 5G was one reason Donald Trump blocked Broadcom’s bid for Qualcomm.

华为手机销量排全球第三,并且正在争夺5G开发的领导者地位。5G是下一代移动标准,也是互联设备时代的关键技术。对5G技术的控制权是唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)否决博通(Broadcom)竞购高通(Qualcomm)计划的一个原因。

“The FBI and the intelligence community just don’t like Huawei,” said James Lewis, senior vice-president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think-tank. There was “compelling evidence” that it [Huawei equipment] could be used for snooping. “And that’s been true for at least 15 years.”

华盛顿智库战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)高级副总裁詹姆斯.刘易斯(James Lewis)表示:“联邦调查局(FBI)和情报界不喜欢华为。”有“充分的证据”证明它(华为设备)可以被用于实施情报刺探。“至少15年来都是如此。”

Elsa Kania, analyst at the Center for a New American Security, a think-tank, said Huawei’s expansion had served “as a vector for Beijing’s influence”.

智库新美国安全中心(Center for a New American Security)分析师埃尔莎.卡尼亚(Elsa Kania)表示,华为的扩张充当了“中国影响力的一个载体”。

The stand-off between Huawei and the US has informed policy on both sides: Washington has banned US telecoms carriers from using Huawei kit or selling its handsets as part of bundled deals. As for Huawei, rotating chief executive Eric Xu took a humble tone in his annual new year message to staff, urging them to “avoid blind optimism and rhetoric about Huawei as an industry leader”.

华为与美国之间的对峙影响了双方的政策:美国政府禁止美国电信运营商使用华为设备或在捆绑促销包中搭售华为手机。华为轮值首席执行官徐直军(Eric Xu)在向员工发表新年献词时态度谦虚,他敦促员工“去除‘行业领导者’、“攻进无人区”的盲目乐观”。

If there is one thing on which foes and fans agree, it is that Huawei is influential, despite its perennial difficulties with the US.


“The problem is, Huawei [equipment] is pretty good, and it’s cheaper,” said Mr Lewis. “They are the only company that makes the complete range of 5G products.”


From its Shenzhen campus, it pours cash and talent into research and development while its salesmen criss-cross Europe, Africa and Latin America. Huawei is pledging to spend $10bn to $20bn on R&D a year and plans to launch a 5G smartphone in 2019.


Analysts said China — via Huawei — was leading the pack rather than lagging as in past generations of tech. The cull of the telecoms sector after the 2000 crash, which consigned brands such as Canada’s Nortel to the history bin, “led to where we are today in the west, and on the other side of the planet you had the rise of China”, said Stephane Teral, analyst at data provider IHS.

分析师表示,中国(通过华为)在占据领先地位,而不是像在过去几代技术中那样落在后面。数据提供商IHS的分析师斯特凡纳.泰拉尔表示,电信部门在2000年科技股崩盘后的大淘汰——加拿大的北电(Nortel)等品牌在那一过程中被扫进历史垃圾堆——“导致了我们西方人如今的地位,而在地球的另一边,中国崛起” 。

Even in the US, he said, carriers chafed under the government’s block on using Huawei equipment: most of them had knowledge of it and were impressed.


Yan Lida, who heads Huawei’s enterprise unit, said the company was trying to carve out a niche in a sector that had been dominated by tech participants such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft in the west, and Alibaba and Tencent in China. That meant exploiting its strength in the internet of things and greater collaboration with industry and government.
