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Donald Trump is on the warpath against China over trade: On Thursday afternoon, he announced plans to impose a range of tariffs against hundreds of lines of Chinese-made goods. But it’s crucial to recognize where those dollars that China gains from selling us their goods are going.


The surplus flows right back into U.S. Treasuries, to fund our gigantic and ballooning federal deficits, in addition to providing tons of growth capital to stateside industries—all at bargain rates. Hence, the U.S. is extraordinarily dependent on cheap loans from China. And our reckless fiscal path, made far more treacherous by the recent tax cuts and spending hikes, is greatly worsening that dependence.


Message to Trump: While you’re battling with China, think hard about what happens if the Chinese start snubbing U.S. debt.


To see why that’s such a threat, it’s important to understand how the U.S. has been able to keep growing at a moderate but steady pace despite an explosion in deficits and debt. In most periods, the U.S. Treasury’s brobdingnagian borrowing would have pushed interest rates skywards as the federal government competed for the limited pool of domestic savings with capital-hungry businesses. But rates have remained extremely low because the U.S. has been able to tap a record pool of foreign savings, from nations lured by the matchless safety of U.S. government bonds and the excellent returns on our private sector equity and debt alike.


And our paramount foreign creditor, and leading enabler of our rampant borrowing, has been our biggest trading partner: China. Today, the Chinese own around $1.2 trillion in Treasuries; if they were to lose their appetite for our bonds, the economic repercussions could be catastrophic.


An outcome the U.S. can’t afford


China is already on the road to purchasing less of our newly issued debt, whatever happens on the trade front. Although its annual trade surplus with the U.S. has stabilized at around $350 billion, it’s well below its peak of a few years ago. And China’s waning power as an exporter, primarily due to the stronger yuan, has substantially lowered its holdings of foreign reserves. So just when the U.S. deficit is set to jump from $667 billion in 2017 to close to $1 trillion in this fiscal year, and an estimated $2.4 trillion by 2027 if current spending and tax policies continue, China will be meeting a lot less of our fast-growing need for funding. Put simply, the supply of Treasuries will explode, and foreign demand will likely prove more reserved than in the past, thanks in large part to shrinking purchases from China.


That scenario already threatens to cause precisely what the U.S. can’t afford: a spike in interest rates. Of course, yields are bound to rise somewhat because of the Federal Reserve’s pledge of serial short-term rate increases and a newly resurgent economy. But the Congressional Budget Office is forecasting that the 10-year Treasury yield will reach only 3.7% by the end of 2027, up from around 2.8% today. Even if yields stabilize in that range, interest on the debt would reach almost $1.1 trillion by 2028, according to a forecast from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. (That’s the equivalent of two-thirds of projected spending for Social Security a decade hence.)

这种情况的影响已经显现,将会带来一个美国无法承受的后果:利率飙升。当然,由于美联储承诺将在短期内连续加息,美国经济最近也开始复苏,因此美国国债收益率一定会有所上涨。但国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)预测,至2027年年底,10年期国债的收益率只会从今天的约2.8%提高到3.7%。据尽责联邦预算委员会(Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget)预测,即便国债收益率稳定在这一区间,到2028年,美国国债利息将达到约1.1万亿美元。(相当于未来十年社会保障预测支出的三分之二。)

Given the weight of those carrying charges, any significant rise in “real,” or inflation-adjusted yields would prove disastrous. (What matter is real not nominal rates, since the Treasury would recoup moderate increases in inflation via higher tax collections on higher incomes.) A real-rate surge would increase borrowing costs for Uncle Sam and for businesses, and make it ever more expensive for the federal government to meet its obligations on everything from military spending to retirement benefits.


It’s conceivable that Trump’s feud with China will trigger the most extreme form of retaliation: A sudden pullback on purchases of U.S. debt. Today, the Chinese own around $1.2 trillion in Treasuries, 20% of the $6 trillion in federal debt held by foreign sovereign investors; the Japanese hold another $1.1 trillion. If the Chinese decline to roll their money into new Treasuries as the old ones mature, the worldwide market for U.S. sovereign debt would shrink, causing a sudden rise in real rates.


A heavy weight to carry


Imagine that by 2028, yields on the ten-year rise not to 3.7%, but an extra point, to 4.8%. By Fortune’s estimates, total federal debt would jump from a projected $33 trillion to $36 trillion, and annual interest expense would soar from $1.1 trillion to $1.5 trillion. That’s equal to 75% of projected spending on our biggest entitlement, Medicare. And that rising obligation would crowd out even further the government’s ability to invest in other spending that would bolster the economy.

想象一下到2028年,美国10年期国债的收益率不是上涨到3.7%,而是4.8%。据《财富》杂志估计,联邦债务总额将从预测的33万亿美元激增至36万亿美元,年利息支出将从1.1万亿美元增加到1.5万亿美元。这相当于政府预测的美国最大的一笔福利支出 ——医疗保险支出的75%。而债务增加会进一步影响联邦政府通过其他投资拉动经济增长的能力。

Granted, that’s not the most likely outcome. “It’s more likely that China would respond to tariffs by devaluing the yuan, or by making it much more difficult for U.S. companies to do business in China,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. The reason is that a sharp increase in rates would tank the value of the U.S. bonds in China’s giant portfolio of foreign reserves. On the plus side for China, it would also counteract pressure on the dollar from China’s trading the maturing Treasuries for local currency, but even a somewhat stronger dollar wouldn’t compensate for the drastic drop in the price of China’s holdings of fixed-income securities.

诚然,这并不是最可能出现的结果。穆迪分析(Moody’s Analytics)的首席经济学家马克.扎蒂表示:“针对美国的关税措施,中国更有可能采取的应对措施是使人民币贬值,或者对美国公司在中国开展业务设置更多障碍和阻力。”原因是收益率大幅上涨将会减损美国国债在中国庞大的外汇储备中的价值。对于中国有利的一面是,这种变化也会抵消中国将到期美国国债换成人民币给美元带来的压力,但即便美元小幅贬值也无法补偿中国持有的固定收益证券价格的大幅下跌。

China’s motive for ditching U.S. debt doesn’t have to be anger or retaliation. Its leaders could reckon that protectionism will hobble U.S. growth; if that were to happen, fears that America can’t handle its debt and deficits might prompt investors worldwide to demand higher rates for the extra risk of holding Treasuries. Then, the Chinese and other overseas lenders would rush for the exits before a looming spike in yields pummels prices of U.S. bonds.


Still, it’s possible that the bad blood over trade could escalate. It’s a case where one nation—China—gets hit hard, and the other nation, the U.S., gets crushed. China can afford a fight where it retaliates against our tariffs by shunning our debt. But its opponent already totters, weakened by an addiction to debt. Trump should tread carefully before risking a fight that America can’t afford.
