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One thing that is clear here is that Bill Clinton would not have gone to North Korea unless he was certain that he would be coming back with the two journalists.

Former President Clinton arrived in North Korea early Tuesday in an unmarked aircraft met warmly by North Korean officials and a young girl bearing flowers. This trip has been in the works for weeks. ABC News was told the North Koreans had two demands: an apology from the US and a high profile emissary to come to North Korea. The apology came in my interview with Secretary of State Clinton just a few weeks ago.

"The young women themselves have apparently admitted that they probably did trespass. So they are deeply regretful and we are very sorry this happened."

And now with President Clinton’s presence in North Korea, the second demand has clearly been met. There could not be a more high-profile emissary. Former president, husband of the Secretary of State and his former Vice President Al Gore co-founded Current TV where the journalists work.

"Of all the presidents that we have had, the North Koreans would be particularly happy, you know, to see him arrive on this very sensitive mission. Laura Ling and Euna Lee were charged with illegally entering North Korea and sentenced to 12 years in a labor camp. Ling’s sister Lisa spoke to Diane Sawyer about what worries her most.

Lisa what about Laura’s health, you have talked about the fact she has an ulcer which can be a very, very serious condition. What is your concern about her?

(That’s another thing, yeah.) Well she has a recurring ulcer and we know that she has been allowed to receive some medication, but we know that her doctor is very concerned. He has written a letter appealing to North Korean government to at least allow her to see a physician and as we all know, ulcers are exacerbated by stress. And earlier this summer, Lisa Ling told ABC’s Bob Woodruff, she dreamt of the moment of her sister’s release.

What do you think that moment’s gonna be like when they get out of North Korea?

You know it’s a scene that has kind of replayed over and over in my head. I just hope it come soon.

And officials say that could be just a matter of days. The announcement, by the way of Bill Clinton’s arrival happened while his wife was on an airplane headed for Africa on a refueling stop. A senior US official said she would have no comment until President Clinton’s mission was complete, Diane.

Yeah, that is a singular moment of the Secretary of State and then her husband in North Korea, but a question to you, I noticed that at the airport, President Clinton, former President Clinton was greeted by Kim Kye Gwan who’s head of the nuclear negotiating team from North Korea. Everyone has said these two issues are separate issues, but will there be discussions about other things?

Well, I think it was quite stunning. He was there, Diane, but it is unclear whether they will talk about anything else. The State Department is saying this is a humanitarian mission that is the single purpose here, but this certainly opens dialogue.