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When you play the game Monopoly, you take your chances. You could strike a rich, or you could land in a jail.

This man, Kenneth Repke landed in a real jail after what started as a friendly game of Monopoly with his neighbor inside this Fraser town home, ended in an alleged assault. You are about to hear the victim’s call for help.

“Yes. I was at my neighbor’s house. We were playing Monopoly and he hit me.”

‘He slapped me and knocked my glasses off my face.”

“O.K. Do you need an ambulance?”

“Um, I don’t think so.”

“This male subject towards the friend asked to buy boardwalk and park place, she refused, he got angry and slapped her in the side of the head, knocking her glasses off and knocking her to the ground.

Neighbors were all abuzz about the board game battle.

“I thought that was like, real violent, for playing a game that's supposed to be friendly. Like I said, I guess he takes the Monopoly pretty seriously.”

As for Repke himself, he had very little to say about his apparent Monopoly meltdown when we showed up at his front door.

“Well, what happened with this monopoly game?”

“Oh, sorry. I have no comment. “

“You have no comment? Was there an attack or an assault?”

“I see no reason for this right now, there is no concern about this to have you care.”

“Did you hit the woman?”
