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英国流感预防宣传品的演员日前确诊感染了猪流感,目前已经被隔离。正如广告片中所说:"Flu viruses can spread."

Flu viruses can spread.

The ads tell us to catch it, being it, kill it instead the actor in the advert, caught the swine flu virus himself. David Mascor may attempt to teach the public how to contain the virus into the department health advertisement, but two weeks ago he was quarantined after becoming infected.

He has now recovered but thousands are still being diagnosed each week in the last 7 days, 30,000 people became ill. All day that figure dropped from 110,000 the previous week. 36 people have now died from virus and last night it was confirmed a young woman became the first swine flu victim in Irish republic.

She's been suffering from a serious lifelong underline condition. But this government's chief medical also warns of possible second waves of swine flu hitting the population come autumn. Ministers are considering plans to immunize every school child in the UK against the virus. If the plans go ahead would be the biggest mass assassination since people were given small pocks jabs in 1964. But the department of health stress no decisions have been made yet and GPs was probably still be the battle of the program.

This comes as the first trails of the vaccine have been carried out, with 175 people in trails in Leicester. It is expected the results maybe available in four to six weeks.