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This morning on Today' Beauty inventive ways to suNPRoof your sun, your skin rather. I'm fine, Ann Curry. A fine SPF is a "must" in keeping harmful rays from damaging your skin, but there are also some other steps that you may be missing them. Dermatologist Doctor Debra Wattenberg has some helpful advices warning us. Debra, good morning.


You know I found some, something interesting recently that kind of blew my mind, if you are in a plane and you are sitting next to the window, the sun coming through the window. Can seriously damage your skin. And there are lots of things I think we are not thinking about. So let's talk about how we can protect ourselves?

Number 1, we could think about, um, changing what we wear. There is, there is some clothes that are gonna actually help us?

注:UPF是英文Ultraviolet Protection Factor的简称,即紫外线防护系数。UPF值越高,就说明紫外线的防护效果越好。

There are, you know, clothing is a great way to protect your skin, but not all clothing protects your skin efficiently. And so we don't, unfortunately walk around in flannel, which will probably be the best tight weaved, dark skin clothing to protect us from the sun. So, lots of, um, industry has come up with these new fibers that are UPF rated. And these are ultraviolet protective factor which rates how well your clothing is protecting your skin from the rays. And you want to look for UPF that's around 50 so that your skin is protected from the sun, if you put on a white T-shirt and you go outdoors. You think, ok, I only need sunscreen, you know, on the parts that are exposed (Right) but unfortunately, a plain white T-shirt maybe has a UPF of about 8 or 9. (Oh). And that's very low and a lot of the rays are penetrating through. (Wow, she really need, um, a lateral...) So, you really want lather up, you really wanna be protected. But look for these UPF rated clothing.

Is anybody fabric that is really easy to not look for, some of them may not be rated? But there's ray on there or...


You wanna look for tight weaved, you really want tight weaved and darker colors. Those will give you more protection than things that are very light and airy, you know, linen for example, doesn't give a lot of protection. The other thing you can do is actually wash your clothing. And this product called SunGuard, which, um, contains an ingredient called are, which will give your regular clothing more protection and increase the effectiveness of the, um, sunscreen of your clothing.