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Older Women Dating Younger Men

Madonna's doing it; so are Demi Moore and Susan Sarandon. They're all older women who are dating or are married to men much younger than they are. And it's a trend that's growing among the not-so-famous too. Let's check out more with Huangrui.

Sixty-two-year-old Hollywood actor Susan Sarandon's long-term partner is 50-year-old actor, director, producer and screenwriter Tim Robbins. Their 12-year age gap doesn't appear to be a problem. Demi Moore is another trend-setting older woman with a younger man. The 46-year-old star of films such as Ghost and Indecent Proposal is married to fellow actor Ashton Kutcher. He's 31, meaning there's a 15-year gap between man and wife.

Younger men are increasingly the partners of choice for a growing number of women who stay attractive and youthful as the years go by. While mature women have been perceived in the past as withdrawing from the dating world, today more are seen as sexy, experienced, independent and interesting, the perfect match for a handsome young mate. Men are happy about the change, and many find mature women sexy, sassy and more interesting than women in their 20 or 30s.

Couples like Francesca Gentille, 52, and Tahil Gesyuk, 38, are at the forefront of the movement to make older woman-younger man matches more accepted. Gentille, a relationship coach, cautions that there are both prizes and pitfalls to this type of match.

"With an older woman-younger man combination, there are gifts and challenges. Some of the gifts - we can give them a sense of grounded-ness and purpose, mentoring of their dreams. They can give us a sense of vitality and joy and exploration. There are two types of younger men - the younger man that's mainly looking for that erotic exploration, and the younger man that's looking for that as well as something more deep. If we match them - mwah - if we don't, could be problems."

Geskyuk, who has interviewed over 1,000 couples in his career in intimacy counseling, thinks that a younger man has a lot to gain from a relationship with a more mature mate.

"So I think three reasons why a younger man would want to date an older woman is one, is it's a grounded, stable relationship, not just a roll in the hay. Number two, is that if they're not interested in having children at this point in time, dating a woman in her forties or fifties might be a viable idea. And three, I think there's a sense of maturating sassiness, and sexiness to an older woman that, where she starts to own her sexuality."

While men have looked for younger mates for ages, the idea of older women dating younger men has traditionally been almost taboo. In America, women who seek this type of relationship have gotten the nickname "cougar," which is often used pejoratively. But now, women are taking control of their new found youth and giving the term a positive angle.

For China drive, I'm Huangrui.