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Just days after the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, there is a new message from Osama Bin Laden. A tape is titled “A Message to the American People”. Sonia Gallego joins us this morning from London with more on what the terror leader had to say. Good morning, Sonia.

Good morning, Vinita. Now, the audio recording purported to be from Osama Bin Laden appeared on an Islamist website in the early hours of the morning. The 11-minute address is a direct message to the American people. And he offers  his own explanation for the 9/11 attacks, pointing the finger at the US government’s continued support for Israel on the plight of the Palestinians as reasons that motivated the terrorist attack.

Now in the message, he also labeled President Obama as being “powerless” to win the ongoing war in Afghanistan and also slammed him for his decision to keep the same defense staff, specifically naming Defense Secretary Robert Gates and General David Petraeus, the head of US Central Command. Now this recording comes just three months after his last message. The last message that was put out was back in June, a message that was directed to the people of Pakistan, just around the time that President Obama was addressing the Muslim world in his Cairo speech. Now the last time that Bin Laden has actually been seen in video was two years ago in September 2007, again released by al-Qaeda’s media wing As-Sahab.

Now the frequent timings of these messages have authorities led to believe that Bin Laden may be hiding in the mountainous terrain on the Afghanistan -Pakistan border, an area which has seen high Taliban activity and where both Pakistan and the US forces have carried out several operations against militants in that region. And while the US authorities are still analyzing the newly released tape, two independent experts who analyze the al-Qaeda videotapes tell ABC News that, compared with previous As-Sahab messages, they believe that the tape is authentic. Jeremy, Vinita.

 Sonia Gallego live in London for us this morning, thank you.