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America's 1st Lady maybe grabbing the fashion headlines, but Japan's soon-to-be 1st Lady is capturing out of this world attention.

Miyuki Hatoyama in an interview on Japanese television claimed to know actor Tom Cruise, not in this life, but a previous life. Cruise's closest Japanese connection maybe his role as a star of The Last Samurai. But Hatoyama says Cruise was Japanese in his previous life and he'd know her if they met.

On the same talk show, Hatoyama said she eats the sun, like this, like this, she says, saying her husband does it too.

Her husband, Yukio Hatoyama in a stunning political upheaval this week, let his opposition party to overthrow Japan's long-standing ruling party, the new party in charge promises to shift Japan's economic strategy and its relationship with the US-led effort in Afghanistan. Before the dust settle down the election, the eccentric writings of Hatoyama's wife began to surface, like this "Spiritual Cook Book".

Mrs. Hatoyama also wrote this book, there's a 2 months waiting list to get it on Amazon, you can't find it in any book stores in Japan, it's called 'very strange things I've been encountered', and she says it's a very strange thing, she says that while she slept, her soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO, and she went to Venus, in case you're wondering, Mrs. Hatoyama says Venus is very beautiful and very green.

Mrs. Hatoyama is a new breed of 1st lady for Japan. A divorcee and a former actress, she openly said she commands more equality from her husband and is unafraid to express her thoughts.

Definitely refreshing, fun to look at and fun to learn more about, because so, she is so different.

Political analyst Tomuhiko Taniguichi believes this UFO talk is harmless for now and points out she has the ear of the most powerful man in the world's 2nd largest economy.

If she tries to intervene into the political decision-making process, then the people's reaction would be changed dramatically, but at the moment the nation is in its honeymoon period with this newcomer.

Whether quirky comments from a wife would affect global policy remains to be seen, political watchers anxiously await for unearthly happenings from Japan's new 1st family.