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It may well be that the world is recovering, um… but people don't necessarily feel good about it.
There are signs we might have had the turn, which, by the way, I believe we have had. Um, and again everything is a matter of probability. It is hard to be sure. I certainly expressed a lot of doubt when everybody was feeling very good. You know, you just don’t know that these things, but if I have to guess, I think we've all, you know we certain, I think we've already started to go up but it doesn’t mean that people are going to appreciate it, that was. People will start to feel good. Sentiment will lag. Um, and then also, it's appropriate that sentiment lags because the recoveries are gonna be uneven, some of the jobs that went away won't necessarily come back because at this particular moment in time we are sort of making a lot of adjustment, that, ideal we shouldn’t be making all along. Certain industries have to shrink, other industries have to go and people who were caught in the middle can’t go back to jobs tomorrow. They have to be retrained there might be different people that get those jobs. And so there is going to be, um, a it's gonna be recoveries can be uneven and certain parts of the economy are gonna recover faster than others and that divergence is gonna create a lot of stress.
How do you, you know the New York Post. Um, I think it's Monday or Tuesday, I'm not really sure, when they rate, you know, the New York giants, New York jets quarterback linebacker as secondary, how do you rate the public officials during the crisis? It’s constantly talked about financial institutions and Wall Street and those people a little bit, it's a little bit, Um, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable and a little bit squirmy. When I know that vast majority of people were involved in these activities that resulted in a…in a very difficult consequence. We're seeing people come to work and kill themselves everyday and really care about their firm and really care about the positive consequences to the world of what they are doing. I mean, take Goldman Sachs, look at all the people that leave Goldman Sachs at the height of their careers and going to public service and firms have always done that. They didn't just get that way in Goldman Sachs, they were like that at the time we attract them to Goldman Sachs. They really care about their reputation and what they accomplish in the world and sometimes to hear this stuff about Wall Street as it was monolithic and everybody was the same and just venal , ah, that could sometimes be discouraging for people.