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So now, now not only are the rich going to be poorer, they're going to be uglier.

As if socking them with higher Medicare taxes and then taxing them again on their fancy-schmancy, pricey, private health plans weren't enough, this Senate health care bill aims to cash in on their conceit.

I kid you not. That's right: It levies a five percent tax on elective cosmetic surgery. Just call it a "bo-tax."

So for the folks who are no doubt aging fast because they're paying all these taxes, no relief in sight if they want to at least look good while they are. Because for every shot under their eyes, another tax shot in their you-know-what!

Ain't that a kick and a half.

You're trying to look good as your wallets being cleaned out good and you're hit with another good old tax for the effort.

The Senate bill estimates this elective cosmetic tax alone could raise 5 billion bucks — kind of puts new meaning in the term liposuction.

Five billion bucks: That's a lot of eye jobs and a lot of breast jobs. My only question is who's getting the snow job: The boobs paying the taxes or the boobs imposing them? Talk amongst yourselves.


snow job an act of making someone believe something that is not true

My only question is who's getting the snow job: The boobs paying the taxes or the boobs imposing them?

这句话很有意思,因为有英文双关,中文不好翻译到位,大意是:谁在自欺欺人呢?是哪些做整容手术的人还是那帮施行税法的人?  the boobs paying the taxes, 因为很多大boobs的人做的都是implants,这里代指做整容手术的人,因为她们的boobs是假的,此为snow job one, 后者boobs imposing them,boob在俚语中也有蠢货的意思,主持人说imposing 税法的人是boobs含义也是很显然的。