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People living in the Chinese capital and neighboring regions continue to suffer from heavy smog as local authorities warn that the situation may last for a couple of days.

Heavy smog has shrouded many parts of northern and central China since Wednesday, affecting traffic and leaving some residents sick.

"I feel like spitting and coughing."

"I can't jog in this kind of weather. I used to jog every day as my morning exercise. I feel like being surrounded by burning smog."

The PM2.5 levels in some regions have been over 400, classified as hazard-level.


Local authorities in Beijing and Hebei and Henan Provinces have issued an orange smog alert, warning that the situation may last for another two days.

Residents in all the smog-stricken regions, especially seniors, the sick and the weak, have been advised to stay indoors as much as possible for the sake of their health.

Many highway sections were forced to close temporarily due to reduced visibility.

As winter approaches, the air quality may get even worse because most cities use coal for heating.