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I've been looking at the, I mean, it’s getting a lot of questions about this, but I've also been looking at some of the blogging sites, as it relates to the H1N1, you know, I hate to bring the H1N1 up again, but it’s still a popular topic, but now I've seen a lot of stories on the internet looking at people, basically saying that the H1N1 vaccine is causing miscarriages in pregnant women, and of course, this is a very concerning thing to say, and I just want to clear something up about that.

Ah, there isn’t, now, you guys know that I deliver babies for a living and how closely I monitor anything that has to do with pregnancy and especially me doing high risk ob. (obstetrics,妇产科的简写), you know, one of my big topics is always miscarriages and the reasons behind miscarriages and the mechanics we have to find out exactly why women have miscarriages. But I can tell you that there is absolutely no scientific evidence, absolutely no scientific evidence that the H1N1 vaccination leads to a miscarriage. As a matter of fact, if you go back as 2004, let’s say, you know, in 2004, there was a revision by some world organizations, looking at the recommendations of vaccine, flu vaccine for a pregnant woman, because again there was a point of debate, at that point in time, of what a stationary period should be safe for a woman to get the flu vaccine, was it the first trimaster(三个月), which includes the beginning of the pregnancy to 16 weeks, was it the second trimaster or was the third trimaster, and even back in 2004, all of these things about flu vaccination were coming forward, and never has there been a link directly looking at the mechanics, the scientific mechanics of the flu vaccine and the miscarriage.

What’s happening today is that there is so much talk about the H1N1 flu vaccine, and people get pregnant everyday, but you have to remember people also have spontaneous miscarriage everyday. You know, 2-3% women they get pregnant, end up with miscarriages, all these are natural miscarriages, that that is the way that, you know, the statistics play out, but just because you see somebody getting a flu shot, and unfortunately, oh, god forbid they get a miscarriage, let’s say, 2 or 3 weeks later, please there is no scientific correlation, it’s a lot of coincidence, and I know we’re talking about it, but let’s not scare people on talking too some of those blogging sites out there, be careful, be a little more responsible, because you know, a flu can be very deadly in somebody who is pregnant, and that’s what I want to clear up this morning.