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China's first genetically reconstructed Ebola vaccine has been approved for human trials.

The vaccine, developed by the Army's Academy of Military Medical Sciences, is currently in the form of a freeze-dried powder, the first of its kind in the world.

The freeze-dried vaccine can be kept and stored permanently in temperatures ranging from two to eight degrees Celsius.

Chen Wei is the head of the academy's bioengineering institute.


"Even under extreme conditions like at temperatures of up to 37 degree Celsius, our vaccine can remain active for more than two weeks. That is, even without the guarantee of any cold chain, our vaccine still can be used after two weeks in 37 degree Celsius. This has greatly improved its adaptability in western African countries."

The vaccine is based on a 2014 mutant gene type and it specially targets the strain plaguing West Africa.

The Ebola virus has infected about 18 thousand people in West Africa this year and left about 7,000 dead.