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For the first time, a court in Shanghai has allowed the use of a GPS electronic tag on a parolee.

The tag, shaped like a watch and with a SIM card inside, can trace the wearer's whereabouts around the clock.

Police will know right away if the parolee violates his release by wandering outside of his designated area under the terms of his release.

Gong Binchen is the deputy head with the community correction center under Bureau of Justice of Zhabei District.


"It works like an electronic eye that can help staff members with community corrections get hold of the parolee's whereabouts. Our system will warn us if the prisoner takes off the device."

Lu Yuying, an assistant judge with Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People's Court, says the electronic tag will be used on parolees who were involved in violent, sexual and drug-related crimes.

Authorities in Shanghai have tested electronic tags on parolees in several communities and decided this time to officially put them into use due to their proved effectiveness.

Previously staff members with community corrections were in charge of supervising parolees' behaviors after they were released from prison.