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新年伊始 2009年大事回顾


The economy in free fall, Americans fighting two wars. A pop icon dies and a new virus starts a flu pandemic. Looking back, at 2009.

"So help you God?"

"So help me God."

"Congratulations, Mr. President." The year opens with the promise of change.

"We must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking America."

Pilot Sully Sullenberger performs a miracle on the Hudson, but weeks later a commuter jet crashes near Buffalo New York, killing 50 people.

President Obama signs a 787 billion dollar stimulus package.

"The beginning of what we need to do to create jobs for American's scrambling in the wake of layoffs."

The political divide widens.

"It's all one big down payment on a new American socialist experiment."

After taxpayers spent billions bailing out big firms including AIG, that company triggers controversy by paying bonuses to executives.

Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire legalize same-sex marriage, but voters in Maine and lawmakers in New York reject it.

Pirates off the coast of Somalia take a sea captain hostage. Navy SEAL sharpshooters kill 3 of the pirates rescuing Captain Richard Phillips.

The H1N1 virus kills thousands as vaccine distribution lags.

North Korea test-fires missiles and a nuclear device, earning tougher UN sanctions.

President Obama goes to Cairo to ask Muslims around the world and Americans to find common ground.

"So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace."

In Iraq, US Commanders prepared withdraw most American troops next year, but deadly bombings raise doubts about Iraqi forces the United States has tried to train.

The government of Iran kills dozens of protesters for calling the presidential election a fraud.

A reportedly drug dependent Michael Jackson dies. The coroner rules it homicide.

"Daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine."

Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff getting 150 years for stealing billions from clients.

The Alaska governor Sarah Palin resigns. Celebrity assured. Political future uncertain.

Furious town halls over health care reform, which the president says will insure more people and lower cost. Critics say they don’t believe him.

"The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." "You lie" At a joint session of Congress, a Republican says the President wants to insure illegal immigrants. President Obama says that’s false.

Sonia Sotomayor becomes the first Latina to serve on the nation’s highest court.

Fury and grief over Scotland’s decision to free the Lockerbie bomber.

Senator Ted Kennedy, the celebrated liberal lion dies at the age of 77.

Then the story of the balloon boy. Nothing but hot air and his parents, in hot water.

Twi-heart fans have New Moon break opening day box office records. "New Moon! New Moon! "

An army psychiatrist said to have accused America of waging war against Muslims kills 12 soldiers and a civilian at Fort Hood in Texas.

October becomes the deadliest month for American troops in Afghanistan. And after months of deliberation, President Obama orders thirty thousand more troops sent there. What those troops can accomplish and the health of the economy, just two of the biggest stories ahead in 2010.

In New York, I'm Shepard Smith. Fox news.