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在气候变化中 如何保护水资源?



Today, EarthSky speaks with water expert Mark Smith, who heads the Water Programme for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature – IUCN – the world’s oldest and largest network of environmental scientists and agencies.今天,节目组采访了水利专家马克.史密斯,他是国际自然保护联合会水利项目总监。国际自然保护联合会是世界上历史最久、规模最大、由环境科学家及环保机构组成的联盟。

Mark Smith: When we think of climate change impacts … mostly what people are talking about is drought and floods and storms, and sea level rise, and melting glaciers. And all those things have to do with water.


He talked about one example: According to a 2009 study, published in the proceedings of National Academies of Sciences, human-caused climate change is linked to the rapid melting of Kilimanjaro’s glaciers, which could disappear entirely in just a few decades. More than 2 million people depend on water from the Kilmanjaro’s glaciers. Dr. Smith spoke about an IUCN project to help people in northern Tanzania better manage their water.


Mark Smith: This is in the Pangani River Basin in northern Tanzania, which has Mount Kilamanjaro at its headwaters. So a very iconic place for climate change. But also a very typical place for Africa, where people are struggling with water security. The big problem in the Pangani is that water is running out. And climate change is making this worse.
