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Scott Burns: It’s just like a baseball analogy. Three strikes and you’re out. Generally you’ll have a fairly steep slope. That’s strike one.


You are listening to landslide expert Scott Burns, a geologist at Portland State University. He’s talking about landslides.


Scott Burns: Then you have weak soils, weak geological units, rocks. And so the site is prime for failure. All you have to do is add that trigger. The third strike is generally a lot of water that has fallen through rainfall in a very short period of time, or an earthquake. Three strikes, you’re out – and you have a landslide.


Burns said landslides happen all over the world.


Scott Burns: But most of the time, people are not prepared for them. And so we get a lot of loss of life that we are just not wanting to have.


In the U.S. each year, landslides cause an average of 25 deaths and 1 to 2 billion dollars of damage, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


Scott Burns: For instance as homeowners, generally the biggest item that you own is going to be your house. And if your house if hit or slides down the hill, you lose everything.


Burns said that the next frontier in landslide science is mapping where landslides have struck in the past, because that’s where they’re most likely to strike again.
