Thorsten Markus: We should not underestimate the importance of sea ice to the global climate system.
You are listening to Thorsten Markus of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He has been using a NASA satellite – called ICESat – to track the thickness of sea ice around Earth’s poles. He said the thick, multi-year ice is getting thinner.

Thorsten Markus: We are able, for the first time really, to measure the sea ice thickness at large scales. Results from ICESat have shown that just since 2003, when ICESat was launched, the sea ice thickness has decreased by over two feet. The thick, multi-year ice has decreased by over 40 percent during that time.
He said sea ice plays a key role in Earth’s climate system.
Thorsten Markus: Sea ice is white and it reflects most of the sunlight back into space, in drastic contrast to the dark ocean. Therefore, changes in the sea ice cover have a significant effect on the global energy balance.
In other words, less sea ice could cause more warming. The satellite Markus uses – ICESat – was retired in early 2010 after 7 years collecting data in Earth orbit. ICESat-II will launch in 2015. Until then, Dr. Markus will use what’s called Ice Bridge – aircraft in flight over the polar regions – to measure and track changes.
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