Since the Gulf oil spill of April 2010, people have been asking, “Can you really clean up an oil spill?”
Nancy Rabalais: Well, not entirely. The oil will penetrate into habitats that it’s difficult to get the oil out of.

That answer comes from biological oceanographer Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
Nancy Rabalais: Eventually, oil does degrade. The toxic fractions are all removed through natural processes, you know, oxidation and photodegradation and things like that, microbial decomposition. It’s just that it’s not something that’s gonna to go away overnight, for sure, or even in a couple of years.
She said the April 2010 explosion that sent millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico threatens the hard-to-reach salt marshes lining the Gulf Coast.
Nancy Rabalais: You can’t just get to them by boat. You can’t get to them by land. Helicopter, I guess you could. There’s just too much marshland involved. So there will be some oiling that can’t be easily removed without doing further damage to the marsh.
We have an 8-minute interview with Dr. Rabalais on the impact and clean-up of the Gulf oil spil at our websitel. Ask your science question on Facebook. Search for us there as "earthsky".
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