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Clearly the result of the election means that politicians have a duty to speak to each other because people deserve good, stable government and that is why I am very keen that the Liberal Democrats should enter into any discussion with other parties as we are doing in a constructive spirit and that is precisely what we will do in the coming hours and days.

And Throughout, we will be very much making the case for the four big priorities that we always said, well before this election took place, would guide us in any circumstances that are there right on the face of our manifesto:

Firstly, fair tax reform; secondly, a new approach in education to provide the fair start that all children deserve in school; thirdly, a new approach to the economy so that we can build a new economy from the rubble of the old; and fourthly, fundamental political reform to our political system.

And it is precisely those four changes which will guide us in the talks ahead.