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Now more on the struggle to survive,the struggle to help the wildlife along the coast,innocent victims of this disaster nowhere to hide,the images as we said are heartbreaking,Kerry Sanders is in Fort Jackson Louisiana where some of those creatures are getting some help. Kerry,good evening."

"Well,good evening,Brian,tonight the numbers tell the story,biologists have rescued 85 birds so far covered in oil,527 have been picked up dead. But BP says it's unclear of all of those died as result of  this uNPRecedented gusher. "

There is now a dramatic jump in the number of birds being rescued from the oil,what have been only 1 to 4 a day has now climbed to 53 and the rescue team expected  to climb. Those birds trapped in that goopy ooze of East Grand Terre Island Thursday were left untouched by everyone on the governor's team .And that was on purpose.

"It looks like he is turning and looking for help. "

"Well,again,the biologists are on the way,the biologists are  coming out "

"The experts say birds in distress should not be handled by anyone who is untrained. Thursday Wildlife Agency located most of the birds we have seen with the governor,but not all of them,some were just too hard to find. The birds they did rescue including the brown pelicans were rushed here to a makeshift animal hospital .After washing in soap,it takes 7 to 10 days for the birds to rebuild their feathers' natural water proofing."

"They have nice fluffy feathers that allow them to be buoyant and waterproof and being cold in warm climates. When they get oil on and in,it weighs them down."

In some cases as we saw here today,not all the birds survived,many of the birds getting caught in the oil are migrating,coming from South America on route to this frozen tendril in the Arctic. Franz Josef land is the destination of choice for sanderlings, Red Knots and terns if they can get pass this hurdle.

"Once the birds recover like the brown pelicans,the experts try to take them to Florida,but aside from releasing on there where the oil is removing,there was another problem:the pelicans have this uncanny ability of following their internal homing device,a compass that brings them right back home here to Louisiana which of causes where the oil is. Brian. "

"And it's tough to watch. Kerry Sanders down on the marsh Louisiana. Kerry,thanks."