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Over 130,000 personal ID numbers, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of buyers of Chinese train tickets have been leaked online, spurring a public outcry and fears of identity theft and fraud.

A security monitoring platform revealed the leak on Thursday.

China's official train ticket booking website 12306.cn has confirmed that a trove of personal data has been leaked, but it insists the data was leaked via other channels and not through its website.

"It can't be leaked from our website. If you've booked the ticket through other websites, software apps or plug-ins, your information could easily be leaked".


The site denies responsibility for the leak saying all the leaked information contains plain text but the information in its database is completely encrypted.

The website is suggesting users not use third-party software and web browsers to avoid similar risks.

Real-name registration is required to use the website.

Police have launched an investigation into the case.

As Chinese New Year approaches, a huge number of people have resorted to the internet as the fastest way to purchase tickets in the lead up to the hectic travel period before February 18.

The ticket rush has also led to the birth of software and web browsers that allow passengers to cut ahead of others when snapping up online tickets.