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Can using your cell phone give you brain cancer? We posed that question to Mary McBride, a senior scientist with the British Columbia Cancer Agency.


Mary McBride: We don’t exactly know. We’re reassured that for the casual user, there is no conclusive evidence that cell phones do cause cancer. We still do not know about heavy users, long-term users, or children as users.


Dr. McBride is a co-investigator of the largest study of its kind that looked at the risk of cancer from cell phone use by adults. The decade-long study, released in May of 2010, tracked the cell phone use and incidence of brain tumors of about 13,000 people over 13 countries.


Mary McBride: What we have found is that there doesn’t appear to be any large risk of brain tumors from cell phone use. And there doesn’t seem to be any short-term risk from cell phones. And again, given that we know that there’s some uncertainty in our calculations.

玛丽.迈克布莱德: 我们发现使用手机引发患脑肿瘤的风险不大。使用手机也不存在任何短期的风险。再次重申的是,结论的前提是我们的计算中仍有一些不确定性。

In other words, there was no smoking gun found that links moderate cell phone use, defined in the study as under a half hour a day, with brain cancer. However, the study was less conclusive about heavier use of cell phones, said McBride.


There’s an eight minute interview with Dr. McBride at our website.
