Scientists are having trouble accessing the data they need online – and that’s holding back scientific advancement – according to John Wilbanks. He’s vice president at Creative Commons, a noNPRofit whose goal is to make it easier for people to share ideas.
John Wilbanks: Imagine going back to a world where there was no Google, going back to a world where there was no Yahoo, going back to a world where your computer was basically an island, if you had a computer, and you couldn’t access other people to talk to them, you couldn’t access information resources, that you couldn’t access online libraries, that you couldn’t even access Ebay to buy Pez dispensers, because that’s what it’s like in science right now.

Wilbanks mentioned redundant research, unorganized science journals and unsophisticated use of web resources.
Wilbanks maintains a free online database for scientists called the NeuroCommons – the first of its kind, he said.
John Wilbanks: It ought to work. It ought to be such that if you or I were a scientist with a good idea, that we could come along and build on the data that came ahead of us, so we could take some parts of data from here and take some parts of data from there and takes some parts of data that we generated and put them together.
He said the culture of science itself may be resistant to this change.
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