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For Ghana, it's

not just one nation that

expects, but a whole continent, asAfrica unites to cheer them on.

"I'm from Ghana, I'mfrom Ghana, I'm supportingthe whole Africa, supporting the Ghana, do bless them, just I don't,we do know....."

"I know, I know Ghana is playing,whole Africa is supporting into their heart, and when their heart is beating, Ithink Uruguayget a good result."



supporting Ghana "

Six African teams began this tournament but Ghana's the only one still flyingthe flag in South Africa, keeping the souvenir makers busy as they keep thecontinent's World Cup hopes alive.

"As an African, I live in here making us so proud, and their style issplendid."

"And you think they can go all the way?"

"I think so. Actually I am fully


them, I know they will get to the


"We got, but we see the noise

ofthe bee


But first they have to overcome Uruguay,ranked as a stronger side.

"When we got one on one, Uruguaycan beat Ghanaat any point. But when you got as a collective, we are talking about 53countries, 53 nations behind one football team,


become quite difficult for you to beatthem. "

For Ghana'splayers, victory would mean making history. An African side has never made itto a World Cup semi-final before.

"Ok, so ahead of the big match. We have the street football match. This isGhana, this is Uruguay. Foryour side, or for your goal."

From the start, Ghanahad the home advantage.

Chorus: "Ghana, Ghana, Ghana ... "

The crowd will soon reward it with a goal, expect similar celebrations acrossthe continent, the results goes the same way tonight.

Emma Hurd, Sky News, Johannesburg.