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My name is Johan, I feel exhausted, already. I've been doing this job for two days and I've already lost a lot of weight,really. You can earn 100 dollars a day, maybe more than that, 200. It depends, but, it's still a good money. This is the best job I could get in the U.S.A.

Working is like a hell on the pedicab. I'm ready for a stroke. We are going to be starving if it continues like this.

Too hot, too hot.

I'm very tired but ... aha.

Drink the water all day and all night.

We bought him water.Sure,we feel sorry for him,but that's what he wants to do. He seems to be enjoying it. He's a great tour guide.

Oh, I love the heat. You know, solar power is good. I am getting solar power.

I'm from Siberia, this is the way how I pay for my school, you know. So, and today it's a good, you know, a good way to make some money because horses are not allowed to work, it's too dangerous for horses, not too dangerous for people I guess.

I'm gonna go for my MBA in the beginning of the next year, so that's, that's the reason, otherwise I won't be over here. Believe me, I'll be on the beach, you know.