It's Teusday, August 17th, I'm Jeff Becklor, and it's time to get loaded.
India has jointed Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates in threatening to block blackberry emails service unless researcher motion implements a secure monitoring service.The country has claimed that militants and terrorists can use this secure email service to plan attacks within the country. RIM for its parts says that it's technically incapable of accessing the emails of corporate users, and actually promotes the fact as security feature. India has said that RIM hasn't until the end of the month before they pull a plug on an estimated one million blackberry users.
Adobe has come out and said we moved on just 3 months after the company ran ads in order to ease tensions with Apple over the flashplay platform on the web. Apple is taking a hard stance and disallowing flash to work on their device in hopes of a worldwide adoption of HTML 5, even though flash remains quite relevant on the net.

Bonds Nobel has announced its Look, e-reading software would be available for the ipod touch, iphone, ipad and pc. The new program is easy to use and offers tons of customization including fine colour and brightness settings, best of all, the app will be free.
In more mobile apps news, Microsoft has begun outlining the first X-box live games. That would be available for its Windows phone7 operating system when it's released later this year. Though this is actually pretty long and impressive, including some hit titles like Castlevenia, Earthworm jim, Guitar Hero5, Puzzle quest2, and Sprintcell conviction.
Finally, China's second largest mobilephone carrier, Chinaunicom begin selling iphone4 next month. The company has also been in talks with Apple to begin selling the ipad though no timetable on that products has been announced.
Those are your headlines for today, I'm Jeff Backler for, and you have just been loaded.
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