恐龙没灭绝 就在我们身边?
Richard Prum : Dinosaurs are all around us. They didn’t go extinct. In fact, they’re the most plentiful and diverse group of terrestrial vertebrates on the planet. They are the birds!
You are listening to Richard Prum, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University. Dr. Prum, an expert on the structure of feathers ,told EarthSky that feathers originated in dinosaurs.

Richard Prum : In literally last 10 years, we’ve discovered that feathers evolved in dinosaurs before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight.
In 2010, Prum became the first scientist to reconstruct in color the full plumage of a dinosaur. He based his work on the fossilized remains of a dinosaur called a troodontid, a small, meat-eating, flightless dinosaur. Dr. Prum found evidence of black, gray, white, and red feathers.
Richard Prum: We discovered the original pigment granules that had been in the feathers of the animal when it was alive, the kind of pigments that produce black hair and red hair and blond hair in humans.
Prum said this dinosaur had the kind of coloration you might find today on a particularly striking turkey or chicken. He added that, since these ancient feathers didn’t aid flight, they likely served for purposes of animal communication, mating, and warmth.
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