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In today's Tech Bytes, the Ipad has some new competition this morning. Presales of Dell Streak Tablet begin today with shipment starting tomorrow. Dell is promoting the new touch screen device as a combination cell phone, tablet computer. It's about half the size of an Ipad, makes phone calls and uses Google's Android smartphone operating system. It costs about 300 bucks.

Samsung is hitting the 3D TV market with a bang. The company introduced the first protable blue-ray 3D player yesterday. The Samsung, the BDC 8000 has a 10.1 inch screen. It also has built in Wifi access. However, if you want to watch anything in 3D, you have to pipe the content to a 3D capable TV, and of course wear those funky glasses.

If you like football, how about watching a game in 3D? The Verizon FiOS 1 Channel is planning to broadcast the pre-season and a filed game in 3D on September 2nd. It would be a preseason match between the New England Patriots and New York Giants. Verizon FiOS customers in New York, New Jersey and New England will be able to watch.

Well, can't get to the gym to see your personal trainer? How about getting a personal training App instead. A DDC's MiCoach App can help you train to run faster, increase endurance, or even play a better game of football. Nick Bilton of the New York Times reviewed it and noticed that the App gave him some very personal attention.

"Another interesting feature of the MiCoach application is the ability to tell what kind of sport you are training for. So if you are interested in tennis, or running or even cycling, you can tell the application this, and will train you specifically for that sport. The way it does this is to tell you if you are going too fast, if you are going too slow and as you are running it says speed up or slow down.

MiCoach is just available for Blackberry, Iphone and Ipod Touch. For information of all these stores just log on to the technology page at abcnews.com.

Those are your Tech Bytes, I'm Rob Neilson.