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Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have developed a way to perform an eye test in three minutes – using a cell phone. The team presented the idea at a July 2010 computer-graphics conference in Los Angeles. Team leader, Ramesh Raskar, described how it works.


Ramesh Raskar: You would add a plastic clip-on to your cell phone and a software from, say, an app store.


Patients look at their cell phone’s screen through the plastic clip-on, and use the phone’s arrows to position lines on the screen. The number of clicks it takes to position the lines is used to determine a person’s refractive error, or their eyeglasses prescription. Dr. Raskar said this portable new technology will be available to anyone, but he believes it’s likely to have the greatest impact in developing countries.


Ramesh Raskar: The World Health Organization estimates that over half a billion people have uncorrected refractive error, which is affecting their daily livelihood. So, a solution that provides very cheap and easy screening will, of course, allow us to distribute eye care in very remote places. And in many cases they don’t have access to an optometrist or any eye care facility but they do have access to a cell phone.
