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The breakthrough everyone has been hoping for. The welcome site of the drill bit crushing through the rocks, a sign of imminent rescue greeted with excitements by the trapped men.

We want all of Chilean, everyone around the world to know that we are really happy for what have been achieved today. Thank you so much to the government. Thank you so much to the business leaders, and to all those who have been working as hailers for us.

The 33 miners have been stuck underground for six weeks. Rescuers first predicted it could take months to reach them. But they now stand a realistic chance to get out earlier than expected. Their relatives were thrilled by the news.

You can never imagine how happy I am to know that they have made such a breakthrough, to know that they will be able to get them out.

But there's still much to be done before the miners can be brought to safety. The new shaft needs to be widened to allow a rescue pod to pass through. And that process could still take several more weeks.

Katy Logan, Sky News.