The lying when it's a really profound psychological symptom we call pseudologia fantastica. And it means that there are some people that literally can not tell the truth about anything. So here is 5 ways to spot an expert liar.
Really good liars don't lie very often. They are strategic about it. You shouldn't be surprised if somebody who generally tells the truth wisely key moments. So you can't really always use a past history of somebody being fairly honest to assume that they are being honest at the current moment.
If you find yourself in the situation while something really important state and another person is spinning out the story that has a lot of truthful elements but if you realize it doesn't quite get what it actually happened. You should stand up to the person. Because this is a very common thing that people but a liar well do.

Good liars have the same gifts of good communicators. And in fact, many good communicators are known to lie. The people that are most likely to lie to you, sadly, are people that especially on the first encounter you really hit it off with. Because somebody wants to lie to you when they're good at it. What they are gonna do is they are gonna make you feel like they are right in there with you, like they really understand you, like they are on your side, like they are one of your kind of people.
All those skills could be used for good or bad, liars use counter attacks. One of the things that we often do oddly is really ramp up the attack if you catch them in the lie. Somebody, if you think somebody is really telling you an untruth and you begin to push them on or confront them. And they go ballistic on you. And especially if they turn against you, that is actually some pretty powerful evidence that they are likely to be a liar.
Liars will use bargain. Good liars will do everything they can, try to convince you that the lie is not their fault if they get caught in the lie. Lying is an extremely difficult work.
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