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Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fexdex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who can help you save the money.

It's Wednesday, November 24th, I'm Natia Moris, and it's time to get loaded.

Yesterday Acer unveilling a new dual-touch-screen laptop at Press event here in New York. Dan Arkwimen was on the scene.

And we're here with the possibly the most exciting thing at today's big Acer event that I see Iconia. It's 14 intch laptops, but it looks like something a little bit different, that's because it has two screens, and they're both touch-screen. This is more of a full laptop exeprience, and to get that on-screen keyboard, what you need to do is, uh, you don't hit a button or anything, you take both hands, ten fingers, two palms, put them down right here, and it knows that the pop-up, the full keyboard right there.Which then, you can type on, depending on your proficiency with a on-screen keyboards.And if we also take one hand, and you put all 5 fingers down, and it brings up this media jagged wheel, lets you jag through all sorts of different media options. And of course, they actually have their custom web browsers built-in right here, that's meant to work with both screens. I've got it up right here, but with one touch, I can expand it to both screens, or I can view it just on the top, it runs in Windows7, and should be available depending on where you live in the world, either in December or earlier in 2011.

Angry Birds are coming to a game console near you. The popular mobilephone game's said to be in works for playstations, Xbox, and Wii, its expected out in next year.

The US military launched a Miltube, a vedio sharing site for military members and their families. The Department of Defense did not love military members using Youtobe to share vedios because of potential security risks. Now, they can use a military approved version where vedios are secure and fireworked. The site supports a variety of vedio formats, as well as audio-only streams, it works on PCs and mobile devices.

Microsoft released an update to Bing Movies, that lets you search for show times near you, plus trailers, clips,interviews and reviews. It's a lot of easier, And a lot like Grad tomatoes only a little bit prettier and the reviews are not as obvious to find. You can find it at Bing.com/movies.

Microsoft is also offering free photos with Santa this holiday season if you flying southwest airlines. The Santa photo station will be at 26 airports across the country. You can add it the photos with Windows Live. And a spouse is not required, but you probably should have a child with you to take part.

If you're a book reader, you might want to try out Copia. It launched in public Beta on Monday. Copia is a social network for readers, it's not like goodread which I'm a big fan of. It even lets you import your memership from Goodreads. It brings together books discovery, book sharing, and digital book purchasing into one platform, you can take it for a test drive at that Copia.com.

 And finally, Facebook will soon own the word face. The US paterns and trademark offices had sent the company a ntoice of allowance meaning they're about to give them the trademark on the word in association with Telecommunication services. They are also working to protect the use of book in the social networking service as well, so they will own faces and books, quite the intellectual properties.

Those are your headlines for today, and that wraps up your week of getting loaded. We're off for the rest of the week for Thanksgiving holiday, so we will see you soon on Monday. Be safe, have fun, shopping with Black Friday deals, there're ton of them. And most importantly, enjoy your loved ones. I'm Natalia Moris for CNet.com. And you've just been loaded.

Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fexdex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who can help you save the money.