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Now amidst the excitement about the latest product launch from Apple or the billionth Facebook user, there are more than, there're an increasing number of professionals and observers starting to express concern about the impact of all this technology on our health, especially when it comes to children and young people. A recent report suggests that the screen time for children should be limited to no more than two hours a day and the children under the age of three should not watch any TV screens at all. But with tablet computers among the top sellers for children this Christmas it seems that this advice is not being heeded as we clamour to embrace all things technological into our lives. Clare Lighton reports.


The sound of Angry Birds is likely to be the soundtrack to many Christmas mornings around the world, as households by their thousand unwrap their new tablet computers and get stuck into some of the insanely addictive game apps available to download. 2012 has been the year of the tablet computer. 821 million tablets and smartphones have been sold globally this year. And in the UK alone it's estimated that a tablet is bought every second. And the latest in handheld technology is no longer just in the domain of the grown-ups. This Christmas tablets designed specifically for children are amongst some of the must-have toys.