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FDNY says they expect the plan to raise about a million dollars. They respond to accidents across city. They respond to 14,000 last year. But this is going to be a tough sell. We spoke with a lot of New Yorkers tonight who seem dead-set against the idea.

The last thing some motorists wanted to hear about was another bill.

"They're hitting us really hard in our pockets.We're struggling as it is, as you know. "

But, if you're involved in an accident, if the FDNY gets its way, you could get charged when the city's bravest come to the rescue.It's all about saving money as city agencies try to close huge budget gaps.

The FDNY's proposing what amounts to a menu of different potential charges: $490 for a crash or car fire when someone is hurt. $450 for a car fire without injuries, $365 for a crash without injuries.

A spokesman says, "Right now if you're at fault at an accident or a vehicle fire, you get a free ride. And that should not be borne by the taxpayers."

What do you think when you hear that?

That's not fair at all.

You don't think it's fair?

No, it's not fair.

Some motors want to put brakes on the idea before it catches on.

I don't see the purpose.

Tonight a city official tells us:"We're going to search for other ways to shift costs away from overburdened taxpayers and towards accountable parties."

And just to be clear, those who're at fault will have to pay up. But the FDNY's expecting that a lot of people will pass the bills along to their insurance companies. But the insurance companies, at least some of them are already saying that we won't cover it. Expect this debate to intensify and leading up to a public hearing, some time early next year.

We are live in Chinatown, Jeff Pegues, Channel 7,Eyewitness News.