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Since 2009, Sina has invested a great deal in its microblogging service and reported loss in profits everyyear. This Monday, it launched a ten-yuan per-month paid service, which claims to protect users' identity and security, as well as provide more functions.

Many mirobloggers say that the current microblog functions have already met their daily needs and the membership functions are not necessary.

"I think the Weibo function is enough for me, because I just use it as a platform to receive and post information, and it is a platform to interact with my friends. I can't see many advantages, so I won't take the paid option."

Sina Microblog Paid Services Arouse Controversies

"The main reason I use it is because of two functions. First, I use it to get connected with my friends. Secondly, I use it for accessing information. If sina weibo want to meet the services, they must make more attractive services to get the user to pay for the service."

However, some experts think the commercialization of microblogs is an irresistible trend, saying that the companies should balance their investment and make profits.

Zeng Jianqiu is a professor with Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He says it is reasonable for Sina to ask for the paid service.

"Sina has invested a lot of money to the blog constructions, as enterprises, they need to not only provide services for subscribers, also balance for the investment. It is reasonable."

Zeng points out that Sina has a large number of subscribers, which makes the paid microblogging services more reasonable. And other enterprises should consider whether they need to follow suit.

"With other enterprises, such as qq and souhu, they also have microblogs.And they provide facilities for the subscribers. They think it is a competition for them to do in the market. Maybe they will not ask for the payment and continue to provide services for free, but Sina has to do it for bigger subscribers"
Also, Zeng says subscribers may choose the paid option if Sina provides high quality services.

So far, it is still unclear whether Sina's membership measures will lead a profitable result, and whether or not other sites will follow in its footsteps.

For CRI, I am He Fei.