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STEVE INSKEEP, host: The magazine Budget Travel compiles a list of the world's wackiest hotels. And today's last word in business is this year's number one: hotel hamster(仓鼠,供玩赏的一种小鼠,有颊囊可携谷粒), or La Villa Hamster, as it's called in the French city of Nantes. There, for about 100 euros per night, you can live the life of a furry rodent.

There is no gym, because you can get your cardio workout by scrambling up the large hamster wheel in your room. Then you rehydrate from a tube attached to the side of the wall. Wrought iron on the walls make the rooms look like cages, and you don't even need to go out for more nuts or seeds because you can order online. La Villa Hampster now has wifi.

This is the kind of moment that presents a special challenge for broadcasters: How do you continue talking into a microphone while holding your head in your hands?

That's the business news on MORNING EDITION, from NPR News. I'm Steve Inskeep.