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So, Katie, you are just nine years old, right?

Yes, I’m nine years old and I raise money for children in the hospital.

I know that, and this is an incredible story. You started when you were just…?

Six years old.

What made you start, back when you were six?

Well, I was in a store, and I picked up this toy. And then, all of a sudden, I had this idea. And so it just got off and I think I'm doing a real good job with it.

I've done a little research. I've been tracking your numbers year to year. And it's really quite impressive. Can you tell me how much you raised that first year you had this idea?


And what've you seen since?

Hm, 162 dollars less than two weeks. And then this year I raised 15,708.

15,708 dollars?

My goal was 15,000.

Then so you beat your goal?

Yeah, oh yeah.

And why have you been such a success story, do you think? I mean, I think when you approach people with your story, they can't help but to join the effort, can they?

Right. Well, first of all, I’m really hard to turn down. And second of all, they just see that there’s a girl trying to help the community and they think that that’s a really good thing to do.

Is there a moment that sticks out in your mind about a visit to the hospital?

We did go to see a child this year. His name is Kevin and he loves crafts and he loves this very special movie. So we got him a Best Buy gift card and then an Amazon gift card, so he can go online and have this stuff shipped to his room.

So we dedicate this conversation to Kevin, right?


And all the kids that I 'm sure you are gonna help in the year ahead. You’re setting an example for all of us who are much older than you.

Huh, thank you.

Thank you so much for talking with us and congratulations.

Thank you.