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All right, let's make our way into the cnn, and that's been your news room where we are looking for Alberto Padilla, who is the anchor of  Economia y Finanzas  and he helps itself with what the big stories are in Latin America in terms of business. -Hey, Alberto, how is it going?

-Hey, Colleen, how are you?

-Great, thank you. I understand you're working on some stuff on Argentina, right? Which is a pretty big, important economy in South America.

-It is, especially in the manner that we were talking about right now. Because it's.... It seems that Argentina's borrowing cost has been, dramatically been lowered, just by the speculation that this country is gonna receive a upgrade on its grade of its debt by one of the major grading firms.

-So credit ratings upgrade basically, wow.

-Right, you know you got it. You see it is the way it is. And now that's because after Argentina reached this agreement, the settlement with the Paris club. So it seems that things are improving for this country, for this economy in terms of its borrowing cost. Did you remember Argentina in 2001 declared a default? And now President Cristina Fernandez occasionally has been trying to improve the situation by reaching agreements with the bond holders.

-Great, and what's going on in Brazil, because there's been a lot of talk there about borrowing rates, lending rates. What's gonna happen in Brazil?

-Well, it's a surprise that news that actually may not come as a surprise, because now the central bank said that its, the inflation for them next year's gonna probably prop up a little bit, and now it says that after it didn't expect to raise interest rates, now it says they may have to do it very soon in the near future. That would be January, and that's because central bank was expecting the inflation to be 4.6% next year. Now they think it's gonna be 5. And this is just December, it probably gonna be a bit higher. And also they prop up their estimate of the inflation for their 2012. So, for sure, in January, there's gonna be a hike in interest rates in Brazil.

-Alright, Alberto, thanks very much, appreciate it.

-Thank you, Colleen.