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The right to the trial by jury is the cornerstone in the American legal system and the desire to escape jury duty is great American past time. This I believe essay is Christina Harpers in judge in Denver and she says the jury are the most powerful people in the court room, but she's lost count of how many people she's witnessed rigor out of jury duty by any means necessary and that means too injustice. Harpers learned to respect those who gladly accept jury duty long before she ever sat on the bench.

When my father was in his twenties, he was called to be a jury on a homicide case. He had two jobs and three children under aid at home. The jury was sequestered and locked up. My father was one of the only two juries voting to a quit at the start of deliberations and after hours of deliberations the defendant was automatically quitted. My father saved the newspaper clippings from that trial for the next forty-nine years, sharing that experience with us many many times. He relished his experience. Now I am a trial judge in Denver District Court and I believe in jury duty, more precisely, I believe in the duty of the jury. Everyday citizens of every state receive a summons ordering them to appear for jury duty. Each day I swear I can actually hear their grunts. Each day as potential juries arrive in my court house, their unhappiness hame thick in the air. This attitude is perplexing to me. I teach visiting students the juries hold the highest position power in a courtroom. Juries not the judges determine whether the government has proved its charge against its defendant. Juries not the judges determine whether a party seeking damage deserves in the war. Yet every week, I see people strive by any means of necessary to be excused from exercising this authority. Still other appears for jury service but do not perform a jury's duty. These people declare that they would make a decision based upon the evidence in the law, yet once the deliberations begin they reject those promises and in favor of advancing their own personal believes. Astonishingly, some of these same juries loudly denounce acted as judges because of the decision said judges make upon their own personal believes. The symptoms of chronic and ambivalence in this country are numerous in community service, voting and politics. Avoiding jury duty is a cute and severe symptom. It undermines the ability of the courts to ensure that only the guilty is convicted and that only the deserving receive compensation from those who truly cause injury. It directly causes injustice. Many who avoid jury duty do so with no first hand knowledge of the nature of jury service or listen to others who are equally misinformed. In Colorado, judges meet privately with jury after a trial to listen to their concerns and suggestions for the future. With the exception of one jury, all of my juries have been unanimous in finding the experience to be both interesting rewarding just as my father had forty-nine years ago. My father's participation in that trial was critical but so was the participation of every other jury. Jury constitute of divers member of our community are essential to ensure the vertices represent the consider judgment of that community. Any failure of a large number of citizens to fulfill their jury duty corrupts the ability of the juridical system to fulfill its purpose of delivering justice. Because I believe in government of the people, by the people and for the people. I believe in jury duty.

Christina Harpers serves in the criminal division of Denver District Court in Colorado. Her essay was produced by Gregary and Den.Gadman. Next week, we'll hear a woman in Chicago, whose devotion to her younger sister is unwavering decades after her death. If you like to write an essay about the court believe that guides your life and is benefit to our theories go to the website thisibelive.org.