Kevin Portillo practises smiling every day at home. Usually after brushing his teeth. Or when stopping by the bathroom, or anywhere with a mirror.
凯文.波蒂洛(Kevin Portillo)每天在家练习微笑。通常是在他刷完牙之后,或是经过卫生间的时候,抑或是任何有镜子的地方。
He hooks an index finger into each side of his mouth and pulls gently upward. He puckers his face into a kiss, then opens wide into an O, trying to limber up his facial muscles. He practises both the Mona Lisa – slight, closed-lip – and a wide, toothy smile.
At least, he’s supposed to do his exercises every day. Being 13, he sometimes forgets, though he understands their importance.
“I need to stretch my cheeks,” he says. “I do it for a couple minutes. I have to do it every single day.” He exercises so much that his jaw sometimes hurts.
Kevin was born in New Jersey with a rare malignant vascular tumour, a kaposiform haemangioendothelioma, covering the left side of his face, squeezing shut his left eye and pushing his nose to the right. Immediately after his birth, doctors whisked him away to another hospital in another state – the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His mother didn’t see him again until he was eight days old.
The doctor told Kevin’s parents that the chance of him surviving was slim.
But survive he did. However, the large tumour and the damage from its treatment prevented him from being able to do one of the most fundamental things humans do.
On a physical level, a smile is clear enough. There are 17 pairs of muscles controlling expression in the human face, plus a singular muscle, the orbicularis oris, that runs in a ring around the mouth.
The basic upward curving smile is achieved primarily by two pairs of muscles known as the zygomaticus major and minor. These connect the corners of the mouth to the temples, tugging lips upward – often accompanied, depending on the underlying emotions and thoughts, by the levator labii superioris, raising the upper lip, and other muscles of the face.
It is when we leave the realm of physiognomy, however, that the smile becomes enigmatic. This contraction of various facial muscles resonates across the entire arc of human history, from the grinning Greek kouros sculptures of 2,500 years ago right up to emoji, those little images that pepper our online communications.
There are differences in gender (generally, women smile more) and culture. Smiles are definitely communicative – people smile more when in public than they do when alone, and more when interacting with others than when not.
Scientists have shown that smiles are far easier to recognise than other expressions. What they don’t know is why.
We can do really well recognising smiles,” says Aleix Martinez, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Ohio State University and founder of its Computational Biology and Cognitive Science Lab.
俄亥俄州立大学电子与计算机工程学教授马丁内斯(Aleix Martinez)说,"我们在识别笑容方面的表现很出色。"他还是学校计算机生物与认知科学实验室的创始人。
“Why is that true? Nobody can answer that right now. We don’t know. I can show you an image for just 10 milliseconds and you can tell me it’s a smile. It does not work with any other expression.”
Bafflingly, fear takes an exposure time of 250 milliseconds to recognise – 25 times as long as a smile. “Recognising fear is fundamental to survival, while a smile…” muses Martinez. “But that’s how we are wired.”
Other studies have shown that smiling faces are also judged as more familiar than neutral ones. Scientists such as Martinez theorise that smiles – as well as frowns and other facial expressions – are remnants of humanity’s distant pre-linguistic heritage. Human language started developing as far back as 100,000 years ago, but our facial expressions reach back further still, perhaps as far as some of our earliest human ancestors.
“Before we could communicate verbally, we had to communicate with our faces,” Martinez says.