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漏油周年 BP股东大会爆冲突


Just days before the first anniversary of this, the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, Louisiana fishermen Wright Roberts and shrimper Terry Coons joined other Gulf residents to come all the way to London in an attempt to get into BP's annual general meeting.

“This has been dramatic, so that comes from any authority? ”

“Under the authority of BP.”

The group was not successful as they aren’t shareholders.

“And they said, it really is, I mean, this is what's got BP in trouble, now listening to the people.”

Roberts says he's entitled to more than just one small payment he has received from the $20 billion fund paid by BP, and run by Kenneth Feinberg.

The Feinberg process is a farce. It's just, it's not, it doesn't work for everybody. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

The fund today has paid out around $3.5 billion, and it says more than half of the claims submitted have now been processed. But the fund says 19,000 claims need more paper work. It's already rejected 3000 claims.

Tracy Coons wants BP to pay for not just lost business, but also for lost food on the dinner table.

We save a lot of what we catch, that's what we eat, we bring it home, we feed our families with that, and now we can't fish.

BP said Thursday it remains committed to paying all the legitimate claims and will fulfill its responsibilities along the Gulf.

And over 99% of the Gulf is now open for fishing. And government testing has consistently found Gulf seafood safe to eat.

The BP board did receive sympathy from some shareholders, but also heard some big institutional shareholders were unhappy about BP's risk management systems before the spill.

BP CEO Bob Dudley read out the names of the 11 men killed in the Gulf last April.

“Gordon Jones is one of those

from M-I SWACO, Jason Anderson, Aaron Dale Burkeen, Donald Clark, Stephen Curtis.”

After the AGM, the BP board did receive sympathy from some shareholders, but also heard how some are unhappy about BP's risk management systems before the spill.

And inside and outside, BP also faced a small number of protesters calling for the company to stop deep water drilling.

If something happens or is done without rhyme or reason, there seems to be no logical reason for it to happen or be done.

e.g. He picked people on a whim, without rhyme or reason.