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健康与金钱 孰轻孰重?



The death of a 25-year-old female employee at the Shanghai office of Pricewaterhouse Coopers recently has led to intense discussions over whether overwork threatens the health of white-collar workers. Although, there is no clear evidence linking the death to her work at the company - except for her micro blog, the accident caused an instant debate about high salaries and good health.

In large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, overwork is seen everywhere, although people always hear that overwork and fatigue commonly lead to various occupational diseases.

A 33-year-old white collar worker, Mr. Wu, says he would accept a well-paid job with less leisure time, since he believes a successful career comes first for men. His peer, Mr. Zhang, agrees.

"I'd go for a high salary. I work about ten hours a day, everyone works the same length. Whenever there is a project, everyone in the team is busy."

According to a survey by the Chinese Medical Doctors' Association and the Chinese Hospital Association, more than 60 percent of the white-collar workers in large Chinese cities are faced with the risk of contracting maladies resulting from overwork.

26-year-old Ms. Han previously worked for a construction company, she says there was a time that she only slept six hours within 48 hours of working on a presentation, she felt exhausted.

"I think health is more important than a high salary. Compared with the arduous but well-paid job, I'll go for the less-paid job, which gives me more time with family."

Another survey by the doctors' association shows that employees in the manufacturing, financial and educational industries care about their health least.

However, besides those ambitious white-collar workers who consider their job more important, there are people who put health as a top priority.

"I will certainly think about it if I can take the tense job. No matter how much money I can earn from the job, I can't risk my life doing it."

Apart from concerns for health, there are more reasons for some people to refuse those well-paid jobs.

"I think the quality of life is the most important thing. It doesn't make any sense to earn a high salary without good quality of life. Despite that you get more money, you get no time spending it."

"Before I married, I'd choose the arduous jobs, but after I got a family, I'll definitely give up the time-consuming but well-paid job. I got two babies now, time that I spend with my kids is the most important part of my life."

Experts called on white-collar workers, especially those in poor physical shape, to pay more attention to their own diets and mental conditions. And be sure to go for routine physical examinations.

For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.