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And we did specifically go to Sony, Andrew, with that question "why did it take you six days after you found out that the system had been hacked". Well, Sony says that what they’ve done is that they’ve recognized that there is this criticism out there,  that there is this time lag between when they found out that they had been hacked and when they made that public announcement; but part of it was they were trying to figure out exactly what had been compromised. It is a question that Sony still does not have a clear answer for for its 70 million users.

Sony is also saying that at this point, they are trying to make sure to improve communications with its users, that at this point they do take hacking very seriously; that they want to protect the private data of its users and they are looking forward to trying to reassure the consumers once the system is back online. Right now that system remains offline. But Sony again, is still trying to figure out, OK, they know it was hacked, but exactly what was taken, was it simply perused or was that information that being user names as well as passwords and credit card information stolen and will that be used in the future? Our privacy experts say all of these what Sony is going through should be a reminder to everybody that we all face risks in our increasingly cloud computing world.

Kyung, if we look at what happened there, Sony obviously spends an enormous amount of money on security. Is there anything it can do now to guarantee, if you like, that there will be a safe product in the future?

Well, what Sony is hoping is that its consumers will actually forgive and forget once they get the system back online. And it’s going to be a challenge because this is part of Sony’s long-term plan. Their idea was... is that it’s to eventually provide a service where they’re going to be able to compete with the likes of content providers like iTunes, so to have this happen right now as they are positioning themselves for a ten-year plan where they can compete with something like iTunes, this is certainly hurting them. And getting back to that lawsuit, Andrew, what we’ve heard from Sony today is that they are certainly aware of this lawsuit that was being filed in the United States but at this point, they are not commenting.