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1. Researchers are excited about a vaccine they have developed that protects rhesus monkeys from infection with a primate version of the AIDS virus.

protect from保护, 保卫
例句:The greenhouse protect vegetable from cold.

2. He compares the vaccine to an army on alert, springing into action at the first sign of infection, before the virus has had a chance to gain a foothold in the body.

compare to把…比作, 喻为
例句:Life is compared to a voyage.

3. Effector cells are immune system cells that are mobilized against bacterial or viral invaders.

immune system免疫系统
例句:It was evident that their immune system was damaged. 

4. Researchers then infected the primates with SIV.

infect with把…传染给…
例句:She had a bad cold last week and must have infected me with it.
她上星期得了重感冒, 一定传给我了。

5. While the untreated monkeys and those that got the adenovirus vaccine eventually got sick and developed AIDS, Picker says half of the 24 rhesus macaques that received either the CMV vaccine alone or the CMV plus the cold virus vaccine showed no sign of infection.

either or要么...要么...,或者…或者…,不是...就是...
例句:You may either telegraph or telephone.

6. “And in fact, when we tried to find the virus after a year or so it was very difficult to find by a variety of techniques," says Picker, "raising the possibility of whether the infection had actually been cleared from these monkeys which would be uNPRecedented for an SIV vaccine.”

It is very difficult to do 做…很困难
例句:It is very difficult to describe my joy in words.

7. Picker's goal now is to formulate a more effective CMV vaccine that is safe enough to begin clinical trials in humans against HIV infection.

clinical trial临床试验
例句:They are doing clinical trials on a new drug.