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1. It was a fitting send off for Oprah Winfrey, including a standing ovation from 13,000 fans in Chicago and tributes from a chorus of celebrities as she ended 25 years as a talk show host.

send off寄出; 发出
例句:Why haven't you got my letter? I sent it off last week.

2. Last year, she said it was time to move on.

move on出发;离开
例句:After staying a few days in Shanghai, he moved on to Singapore.

3. "The love that she shared with all of us."

share with 与…分享
例句:Share this with your friends.

4. Oprah was able to connect with her viewers by revealing some of her own issues - an early experience with sexual abuse, poverty and, later, problems with her weight.

connect with联系, 与…连接, 使有关系
例句:The village is connected by a bus service with the nearest town.

5. She also took on controversial subjects like child abuse, AIDS and racism.

take on开始做,开始执行,开始处理;承担
例句:He took on the responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.

6. "Even if you didn't watch the show, you were aware of what was going on on that show," said media critic Ron Simon.

even if 即使, 纵然
例句:I wouldn't lose courage even if I should fail ten times.
即使要失败十次, 我也绝不灰心。
be aware of 知道, 意识到
例句:He is aware of his rudeness.

7. In fact "Good Housekeeping" [magazine] came out with a poll showing that she is the most admired woman on the face of the earth.

come out with发表,公布, 说出,提出
例句:Someone came out with a most useful suggestion.

8. With her TV talk show over, Oprah says she is focusing on her cable network, which launched in January.

focus on致力于, 集中于
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.