What seems like an epidemic of sex scandals in Texas high schools. Three female teachers and three different schools, not far from each other, have been arrested in the past week, and accused of sleeping with their students.
Mike Russar is here with more. Good morning,Mike.
Be honor,good morning to you. Yeah, and at least one case, police believe they even have a video evidence to prove it.
If these were the yearbook vote these three most likely to astonish school : 3 Texas teachers accused of having sex with students. The cases are all in and around the Dallas area. In Arlington, Britney Collaps accused of staging in a orgy at a house with 5 of her teen students. Police said at least one of them recorded the encounter with a cellphone.

I think it's disgusting. I mean, I don't understand.
In a surprising move, her husband came to her defense.
I hope that you will not pass judgment on her, because you don't have all the facts or details according to the situation.
In Irving, police busted 26-year-old April Alexander. She is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old student at Macarthur High School in 2009.
And in Glatewater, east of Dallas, English teacher,39-year-old Angelia Anew arrested for sleeping with her 18-year-old student,a month before he was set to graduate. He's a legal age, but it's illegal for teachers to sleep with any student in the State of Texas.
See these things happened on TV, it seems like it's happening more and more often, but you never expected to happen, you know, in your own community.
Experts say these three incidents are occurring so close to each other. It's probably coincidental, but the high school itself can often be a trigger for certain teachers in impulses.
Teachers are often uNPRepared for that raging hormone environment and their boundaries can get blurred and this is no way defending those teachers who are perpetrators. But it's saying that teachers need to be better prepared for the environment that they're gonna be in.
We've seen this before. Debra Loufie triggered international outrage after her arrest for having sex with 14-year-old student in 2004. She served 3 year house arrest and 7 years probation. And Marry Kiner Turner served 7 and half years in prison for that infamy sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student. She deliver 2 of his babies behind bars. The two married after she was released in 2004.
And we tried to contact the attorneys for all three of those women involved in Texas cases. Only Britney Collup's lawyer responded, and say she has not been officially charged and investigation continues.
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