RENEE MONTAGNE, host: Sony unveiled its next generation portable video game device on the eve of a big game industry conference in Los Angeles.
NPR's Nina Gregory has more.
NINA GREGORY: Before Sony presented any of its new products, Jack Tretton, the CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, addressed what he called the elephant in the room. That was Sony's recent security breach that compromised 77 million accounts on the PlayStation network.

Mr. JACK TRETTON (CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America): I want to apologize both personally and on behalf of the company for any anxiety that we've caused you.
GREGORY: Then the company introduced games, 3-D products and finally, the PlayStation Vita. The handheld device is bigger than a phone but smaller than a tablet(平板电脑). It's got a touch screen on the front and a touchpad on the back. There are cameras, motion sensors, buttons and joysticks(游戏杆, 控制杆). There's also mobile connectivity, though there were groans at the announcement that AT&T would be its service provide. Vita will start at $249 and go on sale for the holidays.
Nina Gregory, NPR News.
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